Friday, January 27

friday - 27/1/06

hmmm. today was fun! had ethnic celebrations in sch. at first i couldnt get an ethnic outfit. then i had one too many! praise e Lord haha. in the end wore the one that julia brought for me. its purple and its very nice. but long haha. hadda lift up the skirt when i walked to keep frm falling. i was wearin heels too, so i hadda walk slow.

made lanterns and stuff. had great fun. helped find answers for the ethnic quiz and we got all questions right! lolol.

tmr going for reunion dinner. haha.. lookin forward to it.

im starting to feel O level stress! ugh! its so horrible.. and maths is so . . . different. will i ever get into poly?! wanna go to either singapore poly, ngee ann or temasek. got so many courses to choose from. hahaha. alright i gtg le. tah.

michi ]|[ 14:09

Saturday, January 21

saturday - 21/1/06

hai. so much eng homework. mrs loh is trying to murder us.

anyway, today went to jurong regional library with mei. she nided to do her art research. had kfc for lunch den went to fool ard in thisfashion. tried on clothes and stuff haha. fun fun.

den came home and i've been on the computer since. hmmm. dun feel like doing eng.. one argumentative essay and one compre.. crazy. and my weekend's half over!

michi ]|[ 22:27

Friday, January 20

friday - 20/1/06

havent been updating for awhile now. have been either studying, doing homework or playing gunbound. and now shumei convinced me to create an account in maple hahaha. sounds childish ya i know but she kept saying its a great game, so i wanna try it out. besides, i got a couple more friends playing too.

cant wait till new years'. its gonna be fun, with the celebrations in sch and all. but what excites me most is the ANG BAO. wanna go shopping with kris, but duno if she still wanna go, so if she doesnt i'll ask my sis. heh. gonna buy lots of clothes. my mom told me to change my way of dressing or i'll only dress like a proper girl when im 50.

and SERVICE LEARNING! yunnan's my first choice, and next is laos, followed by chongqing and chiangmai. i hope i'll know people there. if not i'll juz look lame going overseas "by myself".

i should really count myself lucky. there're a couple of ppl in my class who gotta raise funds by themselves if they want to go overseas. where mine, they insist i go because they think its a good exp. i gotta start learning how to treasure things and stop taking them for granted.

michi ]|[ 15:47

Sunday, January 8

sunday - 8/1/06

so..i spent my birthday playing gunbound. it was a lousy day.

first, my mom had to work till 6. secondly gab went to amanda's hse so we couldnt cut cake. thirdly my mom slept since she came home. fourthly i dropped my dad's laptop in the floor. and we didnt even have a cake.

went to visit my mom at her office, and brought her some lunch as well. but she was so busy that after showing us ard the place, she didnt have time to stay with us. we left soon after and headed home. then i played gunbound like crazy. well added a couple of ppl to my friend list. it was pretty fun..

went to sleep at nine plus. there wasnt much to do. i tot this birthday'd be special. cuz, well, we're both turning 17.. but ppl remembered my birthday. kris, xiufeng, sher, sokgin, my aunt, donald, meimei and even reuben. i was surprised he msg-ed me, although it was like, 57 mins too late. lol..

but i guess its alright. it wasnt that lousy.. they wanted a cake and everything. so i guess its the thought that counts. christmas wasnt that fantastic either, so i hope chinese new year would be better.

michi ]|[ 09:18

Friday, January 6

friday - 6/1/06

okay. -clears throat. tomorrow's a very special day. and guess what? just 2 hours 45 mins before im gonna grow OLD, and both my parents arent here for that. they're workin late i guess. sigh. but heck. i get a whole weekend ta study. -_-

so! chem, and maths are murder. physics still can catch up; chinese can understand. what else.. eng okay lar. ss still able to follow. BUT MY CHEM IS ATROCIOUS. and i was like counting on that to pull my sci up..looks like my physics is better now. and beaver cancelled my name when i signed up for russia remedial juz cuz i did OK for my N level. i duno how to got that grade, it was pure tyco-ness.

chinese remedial -_- ...

erm. cant wait till aft chinese new year. gonna go shopping! lol. gonna buy lots and lots and lots of clothes. heez. i need to change my image and stuff like that cuz i look like a sec 2 tomboy in my current clothes.

alrighty. gotta change my blogskin sooonn.. but no time. been burying myself in physics after school. ngee ann poly wait for meeeee....

michi ]|[ 21:18